TEI’s Chief Tax Counsel to Lead U.K. Branch Office

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Patrick Evans

Effective June 25, 2019, Patrick Evans, TEI’s chief tax counsel and corporate counsel, will relocate to Manchester, United Kingdom, to establish a TEI branch office there. TEI’s U.K. branch will serve as a key springboard for further developing TEI’s three pillars—education, networking, and advocacy—in the U.K. and throughout the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region. In the coming months, Patrick will be working closely with TEI’s EMEA Chapter leadership to develop and implement near- and long-term strategies for enhancing member value for current and potential members in this critical geography. We are especially interested in hearing from you and members of your teams who look after EMEA tax matters for your companies, no matter where they reside. Please reach out to Patrick directly ([email protected]) with your comments and suggestions on this important TEI initiative.

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