TEI Welcomes Three New Staff Members

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We are excited to announce that three new staff members have joined TEI.

Brenda Zelada

Brenda Zelada joined TEI as manager of membership and chapter engagement in September.

Zelada has more than nine years of experience in the nonprofit arena, and her skills and expertise include event management, donor and sponsor/partner development, social media, and membership. She will report to Tanya Coogan, TEI’s director of membership and chapter engagement, and will be actively involved in processing applications to join or rejoin TEI, renew one’s membership, and change one’s membership status. She will also work with potential and existing members to answer membership questions and collaborate with Coogan on member and chapter engagement initiatives.

Please contact Zelada if she can support you or your chapter! She can be reached at [email protected].

Anastasia Kemper

Anastasia Kemper joined TEI as governance and operations manager in September.

Kemper has more than thirteen years of experience in the nonprofit arena. Her expertise includes association governance; executive office, board of directors, task force, and program support; training; and budgeting. She will report to and work closely with Pilar Mata, TEI’s executive director, on various Institute needs and initiatives and has assumed Debbie Giesey’s duties following her October retirement. Kemper will also work closely with TEI’s international president, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, committees, and working groups to support their goals and manage TEI’s office.

Kemper can be reached at [email protected].

Amy Mazur

Amy Mazur joined TEI as marketing and communications services manager in October.

Mazur has more than fourteen years of experience in marketing and communications, working for Bloomberg BNA, CPA.com, the American Institute of CPAs, Duke University School of Nursing, and Duke University School of Medicine. She will report to Martin Schuebel, TEI’s director of communications and events, and play an integral role in the Institute’s content production, publications, and communications efforts, including TEI’s monthly newsletter, Thought Leadership Bulletin, its website and social media initiatives, and Tax Executive.

Mazur can be reached at [email protected].

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