TEI Canadian Commodity and Income Tax Committees Hold Annual Liaison Meetings

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During their annual liaison meetings, members of TEI’s Canadian Income Tax Committee and TEI staff met with representatives of the Department of Finance Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency.


On December 6–7, members of TEI’s Canadian Commodity Tax Committee and TEI’s Canadian Income Tax Committee met with representatives from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Department of Finance Canada to conduct their annual liaison meetings. The 2022 meetings featured robust agendas covering a range of tax law, policy, and administration issues.

This year’s income tax agendas focused on policy and administrative issues important to TEI members. The agenda with the Department of Finance began with a discussion of the Canadian government’s priorities in implementing the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s BEPS 2.0 project on the digitization of the economy. Other topics included implementation of Canadian energy tax credits, nonresident withholding on rental payments, and deemed dividends in widely held private companies. The CRA agenda included opportunities to simplify overlapping tax reporting, online access to taxpayer accounts with the CRA, access to GAAR committee minutes, and the CRA’s withholding of income tax refunds when there may be noncompliance in other CRA administered accounts.

This year’s commodity tax agendas addressed the federal fuel charge, input tax credit claims, emission allowances and offsets, the taxation of regulatory pension fees, the joint venture election, partnership matters, large case audits, access to taxpayer information, GST registry improvements, and the CRA’s Represent a Client and My Business Account functions, among many other matters.

Official written responses to many of TEI’s questions are expected from government officials in the coming months. Those responses will be posted to TEI’s website for public consumption upon their receipt.

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