New Member Categories

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Since TEI’s founding in 1944, its core mission to support in-house tax professionals has remained constant. The community of tax professionals it serves has expanded geographically, demographically, and substantively. Over the last seventy-five years, TEI has regularly adapted to meet the needs of its members through innovating its educational curricula, expanding its advocacy outreach, and broadening the scope and diversity of its members.

In this last regard, we recognize that the in-house tax community has become multidimensional and multigenerational. As the demographics of the in-house tax professional community continue to change, we must strive to adapt to meet those changes, all while preserving the core executive nature of TEI and sustaining the philosophy of our founders. In that spirit, we now seek to broaden our membership ranks by adding two new categories of membership: a student membership and a newly defined associate membership. (Any current associate member becomes a member emeritus.)

You can find the details of this proposal in the new TEI membership categories community on TEI Connect ( We invite your feedback and have created this online community for you to share your views. The community library contains the document describing the two new member options as well as the necessary modifications to the Institute’s bylaws. We encourage you to post your thoughts and ask questions in the “Discussion” area of the community.

If you have questions or wish to provide direct feedback to the Executive Committee (EC), please contact EC member Colleen Brown (Salt Lake City Chapter) at [email protected] or 801-990-3761. If you need technical support for TEI Connect, email [email protected], and someone will get back to you with assistance.

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