Midyear Conference Makes an Impression

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A Fireside Chat discussion featured unique insights from IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and IRS Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement Doug O’Donnell (left to right at left and above).

TEI’s 74th Midyear Conference featured a full panoply of sessions focused on the latest developments covering all practice areas that affect in-house tax practitioners—including multiple sessions featuring government speakers from the Internal Revenue Service and the US Treasury Department.

A notable session highlight was a special fireside chat discussion featuring Daniel Werfel, the IRS Commissioner, with Doug O’Donnell, the IRS Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement, talking about the vision for the future and changes taking place at the IRS. Other special conference sessions included small group discussions on tax department challenges based on company and department size, how providing tax a seat at the table minimizes risk and maximizes opportunities for companies, the day-to-day and bet-the-company risks facing CTOs and strategies for mitigating those risks, a second installment of the Leadership Lab on strategies for succession planning, and, finally, two Thomson Reuters Advisory Board sessions: the first on tax and artificial intelligence and the second on Section 174 rule changes and R&D tax credit automation. Not to be missed, TEI members Evan Ernest and Jim Silvestri received the President’s Award and honorary membership, respectively. The full story is here.

George Clarke of Baker McKenzie led a discussion of the day-to-day and bet-the-company risks facing CTOs and strategies for mitigating them.

TEI’s sponsor hall was active and lively throughout the conference, with over forty exhibitors showcasing their latest services and products. Sponsors also provided entertainment for attendees with dinners and uniquely themed cocktail receptions hosted by Exactera, Lockton, and Crowell & Moring LLP, Reunion, Eversheds Sutherland, Bloomberg Tax, KPMG, CAC Specialty, Ryan, Holland & Knight, and Grant Thorton.

TEI’s grand reception took place on Tuesday evening and featured a “Rock of Ages” theme. The reception was a hit, and guests dressed as their favorite rock stars and bands, enjoying cocktails and posing in the photo booth—there was even an Elvis sighting!

Beyond the outstanding educational sessions, Midyear’s social gatherings show why Institute conferences are truly invaluable for members.


A second installment of the Leadership Lab presented strategies for succession planning.

Discover Additional Special Content

TEI’s 74th Midyear Conference brought together several Treasury officials who shared their insights in areas such as the excise tax on stock buybacks, a potential research credit fix in Pillar Two guidance, and other key issues.

Plus, Bloomberg Tax provided a handful of pieces from its Daily Tax Report in March on a range of issues pertinent to in-house tax professionals.

All of this special content is available at www.tei.org/news (subscription required for access to some pieces). Check it out today!

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