Keeping You Connected and Informed

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The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted workplace practices and dramatically changed the way in-house tax professionals and government officials must perform their jobs. TEI is committed to keeping you connected and informed during these challenging times by providing you the resources, tools, and support you need.

TEI’s Virtual Education Information Center

Staying current with tax developments, keeping connected with your peers, and fulfilling your CPE requirements are essential for every in-house tax professional. TEI has converted core elements of its spring educational program (e.g., the Midyear Conference, Audits and Appeals Seminar, and Financial Reporting Seminar) to virtual formats. These free webinars will run from the end of April through early July. Check out the information center at the Events and Education tab at

COVID-19 Resource Portal

TEI is monitoring COVID-19-related developments and advocating for responsive tax policy and administration solutions that will better enable taxpayers and governments to navigate these uncertain times. This resource portal provides links to TEI member discussion groups, responsive TEI advocacy projects, federal and state/provincial government websites addressing COVID-19 tax issues, and our sponsors’ COVID-19 resource and information pages. Bookmark the resource portal at, and check back regularly for updates and information.

The Institute, its leaders, members, and staff are all here to support you. Please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can further assist you through these unprecedented times.

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