Help TEI Better Understand You, Our Members!

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As the Institute works to provide the best opportunities—for networking, education, and advocacy—to our members, we’d appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to tell us more about yourself. It’s quick and easy to update your profile.

Once you’re logged in at, you can edit your profile by going to My Profile. Then:

  1. Click on the “edit” link under My Information, which will take you to the My Full Profile page.

  2. On the My Full Profile page, select “edit primary info.”
  3. Here you have the option to update your primary contact information. After you make any changes (or even if you have no changes), click the “next” button. Please note: if you have a new employer, please send that update to [email protected].

  4. This next screen allows you to tell us about yourself, your role, and the areas of tax in which you are most interested. Select all that apply. Click “finish” at the bottom of the screen, and you’re done.

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