Tweeting With the TEI San Diego Chapter

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In 2016, Tax Executives Institute anticipates increased engagement online with established and new members alike. The first step is the new TEI website, which is currently in development. But there are also opportunities for TEI chapters to use their voices in the Twitter-sphere and other social media domains outside of professional circles like LinkedIn. Tax Executive spoke to Rachel Boyd—corporate tax manager at Bridgepoint Education, TEI San Diego Chapter secretary, and the person who sends out 140 characters of tax and chapter news—to find out the best way to tweet about tax on Twitter.

Tax Executive: Why did you create a TEI chapter Twitter account?
Twitter Icon@TEI_SD: The next generation of future tax executives already uses social media to communicate and deliver news. Twitter is more effective than email for chapter communication and for industry updates. News about tax legislation will often hit Twitter even before the firm email comes out. I personally learned of the signing of tax extenders from a tweet. We are optimistic this will continue to evolve and become a primary method of communication and news for future boards.

Twitter IconTE: What are the primary ways TEI San Diego uses Twitter?
@TEI_SD: We tweet meeting reminders and share pictures and comments from our meetings and events. We also share new legislation, court cases, or new tax technology coming from a variety of sources. Twitter is also a great place to share job opportunities through the TEI network.

TE: What organizations or people are a must-follow for tax professionals on Twitter?
Twitter Icon@TEI_SD: TEI National of course @TEI_Updates! And you definitely want to follow the Big 4.

  • Local and regional firms, tax lawyers, and other tax practitioners;
  • Michael Herbert (@MD_Herbert) to get a real-time perspective on case status;
  • Writers, such as David Brunori (@DavidBrunori);
  • Publications, print and online, are also fantastic: Tax Analysts (@TaxAnalysts) The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ), Business Week (@BW), The Economist (@TheEconomist), and The Tax Adviser (@TheTaxAdviser).

TE: What steps would you recommend to another TEI member who is interested in starting a Twitter account for his or her chapter?
Twitter Icon@TEI_SD: Encourage engagement by giving rewards for tweeting during chapter meetings. Tweet pictures, tweet what you are learning, tweet who you are meeting. If a member tweets about your chapter, their network will see it, and the word spreads, which helps boost Institute and chapter interest and potentially grows the membership!

Look for more updates and ideas on increasing your social media presence and engagement in Tax Executive in 2016.

Where else can you find tax representation on social media?


Facebook iconTax Executives Institute, Jorge Tito, “The TEI Burro” (TEI Emerging Professionals Mascot)


Twitter Icon@TEI_Updates, @Deloitte, @KPMG_US, @EY_news, @PwC_LLP


Pinterest IconPwCGlobal, deloitte, ernstandyoung, kpmgglobal


Instagram Icon@pricewaterhousecoopers, @kpmg, @deloitte, @ernstandyoung
Check out TEI sponsors on social media (see the Acknowledgements on page 5), and connect with chapters, organizations, and your employers across all social media platforms to start the tax conversation!

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