
Your Complete Pillar Two Playbook
Follow these steps to tackle complexity, allocate resources, automate new processes, and more

Today’s resource-challenged tax departments often find it necessary to focus on what’s most critical. Although the release of the Pillar Two model rules captured attention, its adoption remained uncertain until things abruptly changed at the end of 2022, when three events occurred: The European Union unanimously agreed to a directive… Read more »


Tax Department of the Future: Reimagining Tax Technology
Experts stress research and evaluation when diving into new solutions

On the first full day of TEI’s 75th Anniversary Celebration, a panel of four professionals got out their crystal balls to predict how tax technology will impact the tax department of the future. The panel included Benjamin Alarie, professor and Osler Chair in Business Law at the University of Toronto… Read more »


TEI Roundtable No. 45: The 2023 Survey of Chief Tax Officers
Does your company have a tax technologist?

Chief tax officers (CTOs) are integral to the fabric of TEI, with their own roundtable discussion group and their participation in all aspects of the organization. Recently, TEI held a CTO discussion group session regarding the role and prevalence of tax technologists and surveyed CTOs on several issues, including whether… Read more »


Interview With IRS Deputy Chief Information Officer Kaschit Pandya
IRS and TEI working group coordinates efforts to optimize IRS technology

To keep current on tax issues, TEI members always like to hear directly from top Internal Revenue Service officials. So, we were thrilled when Kaschit Pandya, deputy chief information officer at the IRS, accepted our invitation to be interviewed by Brian Kaufman, vice president and tax counsel at Capital One… Read more »


Disrupting the Norm: Using Technology to Reinvent State Tax Compliance
It’s time to free up capacity and deal with remote work

In the current business environment, the only constant in the face of major economic and societal shifts is dynamic change. As companies forge ahead, their tax departments increasingly lead the way in sustainably transforming their business models and their digital and strategic footprints. Tax leaders are remaking their technology infrastructures… Read more »


Jump-Starting Tax Automation, With Practical Tips to Sustain Momentum
Tax needs automation now more than ever—and fast

Tax functions have pursued automation and efficiency for a long time. Enterprise financial and management reporting systems are not designed to produce tax outputs such as tax provisions, tax returns, and other key tax deliverables, but instead provide the source financial data required to prepare the tax calculations—and that is… Read more »


Planning for People Within Your Technology Road Map
What path are you taking?

A road map lays out the path to get from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. In technology settings, the term is often used to conceptualize the work that needs to be completed for a technology solution to be ready for use. However,… Read more »


The Global Tax Information Age
International exchange of info growing—but still room for development

For years, governments around the world have called for changes to tax administration to prevent abusive tax avoidance and tax evasion. The need for change has been driven in part by the increasingly globalized economy, where cross-border activities and transactions are the norm rather than the exception. The Organisation for… Read more »


Procurement and Tax—Time to Integrate
Why implementing a third-party tax engine is the best approach

One of the most important functions at which companies must excel is selling goods and services with as little transactional friction as possible—particularly in today’s world of digital commerce. Companies invest significant effort in the sales environment, but an equally necessary value-add for tax is the ability to purchase goods… Read more »


Clearing Skies: Demystifying the Transition to the Cloud for Tax
Make sure you really do have your head in the cloud

In recent years, cloud(s) have been gathering on the horizon for many organizations, both global, multinational organizations and smaller, agile organizations. These clouds represent sweeping changes for most organizations that may bring major disruptions and may require corporate tax executives to make career decisions. This article provides tax executives and… Read more »