TEI Meets With Students at Prestigious Chinese University and Executes Strategic Cooperation Framework for Future Engagement 企业税务高管协会与中国著名的大学学生会面,并签署未来合作的战略框架协议

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On September 23, 2019, a delegation of TEI members, including International President Katrina Welch, enjoyed a day of information sharing and professional development at the prestigious Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). Established in 1917, SUFE is consistently ranked as the top business school in China and enjoys a leading position among Chinese universities providing business taxation degree programs. TEI’s visit to SUFE was organized by TEI’s newest employee and SUFE alumnus, Tommy Wu, and members of TEI’s Asia Chapter.
2019年9月23日,由TEI全球总裁Katrina Welch女士带领的一众TEI代表来到著名上海财经大学(上海财大)进行了信息分享和业务拓展。上海财经大学成立于1917年,是中国排名第一的商学院且提供领先于众多中国大学的税务专业课程。TEI此次拜访上海财大由TEI最新的正式员工、TEI亚洲分会会员,上海财大校友吴东明先生促成。

At the event, TEI members were honored to meet and interact with Professor Xiaobing Liu, dean of SUFE’s College of Public Administration and China National People’s Congress deputy, Professor Weiqun Zhu, SUFE’s department head of Taxation Major, and seventy SUFE tax degree candidates. TEI and SUFE marked the occasion by entering into a strategic cooperation framework agreement, providing for collaboration on tax training, tax studies, and future sharing programs, as well as development of a platform of communication and cooperation for members of TEI, tutors, students at SUFE, and others in tax practice. After the signing ceremony, Katrina and Tommy presented a keynote address on their respective educational and career paths and introduced students to TEI and the benefits offered through TEI’s new student membership category.

The event proved rewarding for everyone involved and resulted in numerous applications for TEI student membership. Well done, Asia Chapter!


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