Tag: President’s Corner

In the Home Stretch

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To borrow a racing expression, we are in the home stretch of the 2015–16 TEI year with the finish line clearly in sight. And, putting aside for a moment how quickly time has passed, it would seem logical to take some stock of where we are in our Building for… Read more »

Change — It’s Everywhere

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No matter who said it first—Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, or someone else—the message remains true to this very day: The only real constant is change. In the tax world, change is everywhere, in international tax policy developments, administrative and regulatory reorganizations, and expansion of financial reporting regimes, not to mention… Read more »

On the Job — and Thrilled To Be Here

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It is an honor to serve as your international president. While it seems like only a short time ago that I received the happy news from Nominating Committee Chair Paul O’Connor that I had been nominated for TEI treasurer, almost four years have, in fact, passed. During that time, I have… Read more »

Crossing the Finish Line — But Never Finished

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Remember the last time you caught up with an old friend, and the conversation was so easy and comfortable, you totally lost track of time? You became so engrossed that a ten-minute chat turned into an hour. That’s how my TEI presidential term has been: a totally rewarding experience where,… Read more »