EMEA Chapter
Hosts Spring Conference in Paris

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The EMEA Chapter hosted its annual Spring Conference at Baker McKenzie’s Paris office at the end of May. The first day encompassed a members-only meetings focusing on member-led advocacy initiatives, member roundtables, and member-led sessions, while the second day involved a variety of presentations featuring Baker McKenzie’s professionals and representatives from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Many thanks to Nick Hasenoehrl, Ralf Thelosen, and the TEI EMEA board for welcoming TEI International President Sandhya Edupuganty and TEI Executive Director Pilar Mata for this special event. The advocacy and the community the EMEA Chapter has built are inspiring and examples of the power of TEI’s membership!

The TEI EMEA Chapter met in Paris this spring for two days of education and advocacy sessions and strong community engagement. (Photo courtesy of TEI EMEA Chapter.)


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