TEI’s Pittsburgh Chapter hosted its annual federal/international all-day conference on April 18. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) sponsored and hosted the event, which is one of the Chapter’s two annual major all-day programs and complements a SALT program offered in the fall. Attendees enjoyed a sitdown luncheon, during which the Chapter awarded scholarships to various deserving recipients.
Interest in tax reform sparked record attendance at this year’s event. PwC presented a full-day program on accounting methods and, in the international realm, the new “transition tax” and the new territorial tax regime. Attendees took copious notes on presentation segments about accounting methods and the new trending international topics, GILTI, BEAT, and Section 965 (as revised). The day’s program concluded with an update on transfer pricing. Attendees left the conference armed with new information and a breadth of knowledge to plan “where next.”

This year’s scholarship recipients for the Chapter were Kara Rudzik of Duquesne University and Tylyn Bramble and Margo Gamble of Robert Morris University. The recipients already have some amazing accomplishments to their credit as well as intriguing plans for the future. Rudzik, a junior double-majoring in accounting and information systems, hopes to join a public accounting firm and specialize in risk assurance. Bramble is a junior accounting major who has set her sights on pursuing a graduate degree in data analytics. Gamble is a junior with an accounting and finance double major. She plans to obtain a master’s degree in Middle Eastern studies and will travel to Oman this summer to study Arabic.