Tax Technology Corner

New Technology Presents Challenges and Opportunities for Tax Departments

Automation and integration are changing the tax industry. Tax Executive’s senior editor, Michi Trota, interviewed Evan Croen, senior vice president of product at Bloomberg Tax & Accounting, about the challenges tax departments face and how new technology—including artificial intelligence (AI)—can address them. Michi Trota: What are the biggest challenges you… Read more »


The Intersection of Tax Technology, R&D Credits, and Innovation: Adapted Insights From Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? The bad news is that research credits are not getting easier to claim in 2024. Internal Revenue Service audits have become more frequent. Taxpayers have suffered losses in court. The IRS has proposed changes to Form 6765, Credit for… Read more »


PwC Tax Tech Leader Talks About Tax Technology & Tax Technologists

Tax technology turns over seemingly every couple of months, and, as a result, the role of the tax technologist is being transformed in real time. We wanted an inside perspective on these developments, so Michael Levin-Epstein, senior editor of Tax Executive, interviewed Nolan Ogden, PwC’s US tax technology leader, who… Read more »


Tax Data Takes Center Stage

As TEI members know all too well, when it comes to tax data, we may be at a tipping point. To find out more about where we’re really at when it comes to tax data, Michael Levin-Epstein, senior editor of Tax Executive, interviewed one of the most knowledgeable tax professionals… Read more »


AI, ETL Tools Offer Promising Possibilities

Artificial intelligence (AI) and extract, transfer, and load (ETL) tools are transforming what many TEI members do every day. We wanted to find out how these dynamic technologies will impact the tax industry. In May, Michael Levin-Epstein, Tax Executive’s senior editor, interviewed Nick Panko, vice president at CFO Services.  Michael… Read more »


Ethics and Privilege in the Tax Kingdom
Yes, there is a difference between attorneys and CPAs when it comes to privilege

Ethics and privilege play key roles in tax, and technology can be a factor to consider, too. To wade into this quagmire, Tax Executive’s senior editor, Michael Levin-Epstein, sat down (virtually) with a recognized expert in the field, Dan Ermel, a partner at RSM US LLP. Michael Levin-Epstein: Is there… Read more »


Dealing With New Schedules K-2 and K-3

On April 30, 2021, the Internal Revenue Service released early drafts of the new Schedules K-2 and K-3 for Forms 1065, 1120-S, and 8865 for tax year 2021. Why did the IRS feel the need to release these new forms, and what do they mean for taxpayers and preparers? To… Read more »


The Burgeoning Importance of E-Invoicing

Although the United States has not yet officially adopted e-invoicing, many countries in Europe, Latin America, and Asia have embraced it. To find out what’s happening, in August Michael Levin-Epstein, Tax Executive’s senior editor, interviewed Alex Baulf, senior director, global indirect tax, at Avalara. Michael Levin-Epstein: E-invoicing as it relates… Read more »


The Importance of Predictive Analytics

For all the time and effort we spend predicting the future in our personal and professional lives, doing so is becoming a significant focus for many tax departments in business and government. In this installment of Tax Technology Corner, we try to get a better handle on the direction and… Read more »


Use Right Tools and Collaboration to Manage BEPS 2.0 

On July 1, 2021, we witnessed history as more than 130 countries approved a framework to reform international tax rules. It was agreed that the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) would take a two-pillar approach, with adoption planned for 2023. Pillar One aligns taxing rights… Read more »