By the Numbers

Statutory Corporate Tax Around the World: The Past 20 Years

In its Corporate Tax Statistics: Second Edition, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recently looked at the tax landscape beyond its own member countries, evaluating adjustments in statutory corporate income tax since 2000. Generally, the OECD found that statutory corporate income tax rates have generally decreased on average… Read more »


Tax Technology Transformation in 2020

“The tax function of tomorrow must master data intelligence.” That’s how EY identified an “intelligent tax function” in its 2020 Global Tax Technology and Transformation Survey report. To keep pace with today’s ever-evolving demands, it’s essential for tax departments everywhere to bridge the gap between data and technology, and this… Read more »


COVID-19 and the VAT Response

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to greatly impact the global economy, one area in which countries have attempted to ease the burden is value-added tax (VAT). Some countries have chosen simply to accelerate VAT refunds or offer payment extensions or deferment, but many have decided to reduce VAT rates significantly… Read more »


DSTs in Europe, as of March 2020

As of March, several European countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have implemented, published proposals to enact, or announced intentions to implement a digital services tax (DST). Although each country’s DST differs slightly, all DSTs have revenue thresholds, both domestic and global, below which companies are… Read more »


State Tax Overhaul

The Tax Foundation outlined a number of important state tax changes in 2020 in thirty-five states, including updates to both individual and corporate taxation. Regarding the latter, some major changes were implemented January 1, such as increases or decreases in—or even elimination of—corporate rates. Other updates tend to be related… Read more »


Global Tax Competitiveness in 2019

What makes a well-structured tax code? According to the Tax Foundation, it’s one that is easy to comply with and that promotes economic development while raising sufficient revenue for a government’s priorities. In last year’s January/February issue of Tax Executive, we shared the Tax Foundation’s rankings of all tax codes… Read more »


Ranking the States

The Tax Foundation’s 2019 State Business Tax Climate Index aims to compare state tax systems in the United States. The Index ranks each state based on its findings and the provisions of each state’s unique code. The graphic below shows the best ten and worst ten states, as outlined in… Read more »


On BEPS, Other International Issues

Deloitte released its 2019 BEPS and the Global Tax Reset Survey, which garnered responses from 405 people in 35 countries, most of whom carry the title of tax director or tax vice president for their organizations. Although some of the results were to be expected, such as that sixty-two percent… Read more »


The Role of Tax Technology

In last year’s September/October issue of Tax Executive, we looked to Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE’s 2018 European Tax Technology Report to identify criteria that tax professionals consider when looking for technology solutions to support their roles within their organizations. In this issue, we go back to that report, but this time… Read more »


OECD Corporate Tax Rate Update

Several significant shake-ups to tax codes around the world, especially in the United States, Belgium, and Latvia, among others, leave us with a global landscape that differs significantly from that of 2017. In the March/April 2018 issue of Tax Executive, we printed the 2017 statutory corporate income tax rates for… Read more »