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2022 View by Committee


The Rise of Remote Work

According to Global Workplace Analytics, since 2009 the number of Americans who work from home has risen by 159 percent. In just the past five years, remote work has grown forty-four percent globally. Add to that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s easy to posit that remote work… Read more »


Tax Structures and Government Revenue Around the World

Countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) vary greatly in how tax revenue is generated. For example, although all OECD countries levy a corporate income tax, it typically raises far less revenue than other tax sources. Using the 2019 OECD average of 9.6 percent as a benchmark… Read more »


Highlights From TEI’s Virtual 71st Midyear Conference

TEI’s virtual 71st Midyear Conference was yet another Institute show for the ages. Attendees were treated to learning and networking opportunities in an easy-to-use digital format as well as to interactive sessions and exhibits. Here are some numbers that show the conference’s participation, as well as some great feedback from… Read more »


Going Virtual, Going Well

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations have been forced to go virtual with their events, and TEI was—and still is—one of them. Surely, moving to an all-digital format comes with complications, but if event organizers did their homework, they proved they could pivot and put on successful shows… Read more »


The 117th US Congress

As we look ahead to the swearing-in of new US President Joe Biden, Congress has undergone its own changes—more than 60 new members as of this writing. Although the new presidential administration promises overhauls of the business and tax landscapes, it will be largely up to the 117th Congress to… Read more »


Turkey Trivia

Turkey has been an American culinary staple for centuries with a substantial impact on our history, traditions, and economy. It was Benjamin Franklin who once proposed the turkey to be our national bird, an argument that could today be backed by the turkey industry’s reported 440,000-plus jobs and $109 billion… Read more »


Connecting, Engaging, Impacting—Virtually

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and its impact on landmark events around the world, TEI has made the move to go virtual for the much-anticipated 75th Anniversary Annual Conference. Although it would have been the perfect time to commemorate the Institute’s New York City roots this year, the 2020… Read more »


Keeping You Connected and Informed

The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted workplace practices and dramatically changed the way in-house tax professionals and government officials must perform their jobs. TEI is committed to keeping you connected and informed during these challenging times by providing you the resources, tools, and support you need. TEI’s Virtual Education Information Center Staying… Read more »


Visualizing the National Debt