By the Numbers

Tax Outlook 2022: The Halfway Mark

Earlier this year, BDO published the findings of its 2022 BDO Tax Outlook Survey, which aimed to gather data surrounding tax departments’ planning strategies, biggest concerns, and tax technology, among other topics. The good news is that the vast majority—seventy-two percent—of survey respondents said their tax departments were thriving, and… Read more »


TAA in 2022

Last fall, the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants released results from a survey about tax analytics and automation (TAA). The survey aimed to gather data about and insights into the benefits, applications, integration, obstacles, and regulatory environment surrounding TAA technologies. Although it appears that the in-house tax… Read more »


Bloomberg: D&I in the Workplace

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is one of the leading initiatives recognized by corporate tax and accounting firms and professionals, spurring several firms to conduct studies on the issue over the past few years. Bloomberg Tax’s recent report, Diversity and Inclusion Study: The Struggle to Meet D&I Goals, includes data from… Read more »


Direct Insights on Indirect Tax

Around half of Thomson Reuters’ survey sample for its March 2021 Corporate Tax Department Report were tax departments with responsibility for indirect tax. Overall, according to the report, these departments indicated a belief that significant change is on the horizon, particularly pertaining to technology, processes, and human capital. In a… Read more »


Breaking Down Tax for the S&P 100

President Joe Biden’s proposed tax changes include an increase to the corporate tax rate, which Congress under former President Donald Trump lowered to twenty-one percent with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Any changes Biden hopes to make likely will face a long, arduous battle… Read more »


High Priority: Tax Technology Implementation

According to Thomson Reuters’ 2020 Corporate Tax Departments Survey: New Technology Demands New Skills & New Attitudes, the role of the tax technologist is increasingly important, and tax departments need to decide whether to teach technology to tax professionals or hire technologists who can be taught about tax. On top… Read more »


What’s in a Decade?

KPMG regularly compiles data on corporate tax rates around the world and organizes that data for its customers and member firms. The company recently shared data from the past ten years highlighting corporate tax rates organized by country, continent, and demographic or political region (such as Latin America, the European… Read more »


International Tax Competitiveness Update

Every country’s tax code is unique, but how do experts define and rank competitiveness around the globe? Each year, the Tax Foundation pulls together its evaluation of how countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development structure their tax systems, titled the International Tax Competitiveness Index (ITCI). The index… Read more »


State Tax Updates in 2021

After 2020 brought about fewer tax changes due to shortened legislative sessions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, several states implemented significant updates to their tax codes this year. As highlighted in the Tax Foundation’s article, “State Tax Changes Effective January 1, 2021,” many of those changes were born out of laws… Read more »


Biden’s Business Tax Plan

With 2021 comes a new presidential administration in the United States, with Joe Biden set to take office on January 20. And with President-elect Biden, many changes to the corporate tax landscape are on the agenda. In an article titled “Details and Analysis of President-elect Joe Biden’s Tax Plan,” the… Read more »