Author: James Kennedy

Closing the Books on 2020

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I want to take a moment to reflect on TEI’s progress in the year just concluded to effectively advance the mission and goals of TEI. Without question, the Institute was challenged at every level within our organization to deliver value to our members in the face of COVID-19. How do… Read more »

It’s Time for US Consolidated Tax Groups to Assess What They Need in an Intercompany Tax-Sharing Agreement

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The US Supreme Court and Congress recently changed rules governing tax-sharing agreements (TSA) between affiliated groups of corporations, so it’s time for companies to evaluate whether they need such an agreement or, if they have one, whether it’s adequate. A TSA, also known as an intercompany tax agreement or a… Read more »

Help TEI Better Understand You, Our Members!

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As the Institute works to provide the best opportunities—for networking, education, and advocacy—to our members, we’d appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to tell us more about yourself. It’s quick and easy to update your profile. Once you’re logged in at, you can edit your profile… Read more »

Audrey Sherman

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A great teacher can often be a defining person in your life. Take Audrey Sherman’s tax professor, for example. “Through her I got involved in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. I joined Deloitte right out of college on the audit side, as you had to do back then,… Read more »


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TEI gratefully acknowledges the support of the following firms that sponsored TEI’s Virtual Annual Conference. Their financial support enables TEI to maintain a rich program of value-added education, networking, and advocacy activities for the in-house tax community. EXCLUSIVE AFFINITY PARTNER Thomson Reuters PLATINUM ADP Andersen Baker McKenzie Bloomberg Tax &… Read more »

Tax 2021: Threats and Opportunities

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The idea that every problem contains the seed of its own solution has become such a universal business cliché that few people stop to think why this idea rings so appealingly true. The reason is survival. When presented with a problem, human beings are hardwired to come up with a… Read more »

Turkey Trivia

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Turkey has been an American culinary staple for centuries with a substantial impact on our history, traditions, and economy. It was Benjamin Franklin who once proposed the turkey to be our national bird, an argument that could today be backed by the turkey industry’s reported 440,000-plus jobs and $109 billion… Read more »

Marcus Shore

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Marcus Shore was working at a law firm when a partner suggested that he work with a couple of tax attorneys at the firm. It turned out to be a good suggestion. “I enjoyed the tax work enough that I soon made the decision to focus on tax and make… Read more »

Resilience and Resolve

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Over the past couple of months, I have watched—remotely, of course, via Zoom and other meeting applications—how TEI members have largely gone about their Institute business, despite the disruptions and dislocations caused by COVID-19. And I am truly amazed and gratified by their spirit and commitment—in short, by their resilience… Read more »

Carrybacks, Carryovers, Statutes of Limitations, Audits, and Joint Committee on Taxation Review—Practical and Procedural Aspects of Tax Attribute Planning
Questions abound concerning the impact of the CARES legislation

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The COVID-19 pandemic has had wide-ranging effects. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act legislation, signed into law on March 27 in response to COVID-19, has reshaped the tax landscape as we know it. Gone, for example, are the restrictions imposed on carrying back certain tax attributes, including…