Author: Tax Executive Staff

Throwbacks (and I Don’t Mean Old Tax Lawyers) Are Awful

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It’s no revelation that I think state corporate income taxes are ineffective and inefficient ways to raise revenue. For a wide variety of reasons, taxes on corporate profits don’t work all that well. Many defend corporate levies in the belief that corporations use services and should pay. But this benefits… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 14: The Evolving Role of State Tax Professionals
More responsibility, more tax integration now part of landscape

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In recent years, we’ve seen the role of state tax professionals change fairly significantly, in terms of responsibilities, having a “seat at the table,” and relationships with their supervisors and peers. To find out more about what’s happening in this space, we convened a roundtable of state tax professionals including…

Unfair Apportionment: Consider the Alternatives
The taxpayer’s task is to assess both constitutional and statute-based options

When must state apportionment be fair? Always. If a state’s normal apportionment formula is operating unfairly with respect to your company, you need to consider the alternatives. The United States Supreme Court has articulated a four-part test for determining whether a state tax burdens interstate commerce in violation of the…

Keith Piper

Keith Piper’s longtime appreciation for tax began directly after his graduation from Pennsylvania State University. “More than thirty years ago, during my first job out of college, I was a staff accountant with a cable television company in Northern Virginia and assigned responsibilities for property taxes and income tax provision,… Read more »

San Francisco Chapter
In Memoriam: Bryant C. Blewett

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Bryant Calvin Blewett, aged seventy-six, died on January 24. He had been in declining health for the past several years. Born March 9, 1940, in Helena, Montana, he graduated from Montana State University with a degree in business and accepted a position with the Internal Revenue Service in San Francisco.…

South Carolina Permits Reporting of Federal Income Adjustments Based on TEI Policy Statement

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On December 8, 2016, the South Carolina Department of Revenue issued SC Revenue Procedure #16-1, which addresses how corporations may report federal income tax adjustments made by the Internal Revenue Service. Generally, corporations may report corrections or changes to a previously filed South Carolina return by filing an amended South… Read more »