Author: Emily Whittenburg and Kris Rogers

Managing Multiple Generations Within Your Department or Team

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The one question TEI members most often ask us, the co-chairs of the emerging tax professionals subcommittee, is how to deal with and manage the millennials within their departments and teams. We get asked this question so often, in fact, that the first meeting-in-a-box our subcommittee developed centered on this… Read more »

Anatomy of a Multijurisdictional Dispute
Recent tax reform presents additional considerations

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Demands on tax executives have never been higher. Whereas international tax rules have always been complex, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan and now U.S. tax reform introduce new levels of complexity and uncertainty. At the same time, sensational media coverage…

TEI Interview: John Koskinen
Former IRS commissioner gives TEI members an up-close look at why budgetary constraints presented a major challenge during his tenure—and still do

John Koskinen served as IRS commissioner for almost four years before leaving office in November 2017. As IRS commissioner, Koskinen dealt with thorny issues, including antiquated technology, the growing importance of international tax issues, and, of course, budget constraints. Tax Executive was granted one of the first interviews with Koskinen…

Tax and Benefits Considerations for Service Providers for Family Offices

Family offices compete for talent with the top investment advisory firms, investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, other family offices, and other organizations. These talented service providers are typically sophisticated and well aware of tax-efficient and creative ways that individuals are compensated in the general marketplace (including private equity and… Read more »

A Look Back at 2017—and Ahead to 2018

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Welcome to 2018 and the first installment of Emerging Tax Professionals (ETP) Update. We are thrilled to have been given the opportunity to share with you the latest news from the ETP subcommittee in this recurring column in Tax Executive. As we sat down to write this inaugural column, we… Read more »

U.S. Tax Reform: History in Review

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With the recent signing of new tax reform legislation in the United States and its implications sweeping through in-house tax offices—not to mention the entire nation—it’s easy to lose sight of how we got to this point. Taxation in the United States has been controversial since before the country’s independence,… Read more »

Fraser Reid

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“It’s for tax reasons.” You’ve heard that expression before. For Fraser Reid, vice president, taxation, at Teekay Shipping (Canada) Ltd., it was a turning point in his career. Here’s how Reid explains it: “When I was completing my thirty months of articling for my chartered accountant (CA) designation in the… Read more »

New York Chapter
Holds 16th Annual LB&I Conference

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            On September 19, 2017, the IRS held its LB&I Northeastern Compliance Practice Area (NECPA) conference in New York City. The conference originated on the heels of 9/11 in October 2001 as the IRS Financial Services conference co-sponsored by LB&I and TEI’s New York Chapter.…

EMEA Chapter
Presents Chapter Award

For the twelfth consecutive year, TEI’s EMEA Chapter presented an award at the August graduation ceremony of the International Tax Center at Leiden University. The awardee this year was Zahra Abdullah of Indonesia. The award presentation was part of the graduation ceremonies that took place on August 25, 2017, in…