Author: Tax Executive Staff

Oklahoma City Chapter
Presents Scholarship and Award

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TEI’s Oklahoma City Chapter (TEI-OKC) recently began a scholarship program and awarded its first scholarship to Rachael Murphy of the University of Oklahoma on September 13, 2017. Rachael will graduate in May 2019 with a B.B.A/M.Acc., with an emphasis in taxation. She currently interns with KPMG’s tax practice. The Chapter…

Atlanta Chapter
Presents Award for Service

Current Atlanta Chapter president Alice Riviezzo presented last year’s president, Jaime Doronio, with the Chapter’s presidential plaque for service at its annual social on February 17. Members and their guests spent the evening with good food and even better company as they relaxed and had fun.

TEI Holds Annual Liaison Meetings in Washington

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With the portrait of TEI founder Paul Smith in the background, the Institute’s leadership delegation gathered in Washington, D.C., for annual liaison meetings with the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Policy. Attendees included Katrina Welch, TEI secretary; Jim Silvestri, senior vice president; John Mann, chair… Read more »

Emerging Leader: Tasheaya Warren Ellison

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Tasheaya Warren Ellison entered law school to become a white-collar criminal defense attorney. But then fate intervened. Ellison registered for a tax course solely to prepare for the Oregon State Bar. The next thing she knew, she was chasing after a degree in taxation. “I had an incredible tax professor… Read more »

A Post-Midyear Conference Report

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I was honored to preside over TEI’s 68th Midyear Conference in Washington, D.C., and to welcome 600-plus in-house tax professionals to examine the complexities of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, along with other technical, policy, and management challenges that confront us. At what is arguably the most consequential moment… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 18: The State Tax Policy Function
Whether it’s part of the tax department or part of government affairs, one thing is for sure—it’s getting more complicated every day

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These days state tax policy occupies a greater percentage of the professional lives of many TEI members for a variety of reasons. We wanted to dive deep into this phenomenon, so we convened a roundtable of seasoned practitioners in the field, including Ellen Berenholz, executive director of tax policy at…

Teri Hull

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Teri Hull’s interest in tax issues was sparked by dry cleaning. Yes, dry cleaning. Her father owned a dry cleaning business when she was young, and she often tagged along on Saturday mornings. But it wasn’t the back of the store, with all those hangers and clothes, that intrigued Hull;… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 17: The View From the Corner Office: What Keeps Them Up at Night?
It’s tax reform, international issues, succession planning, growth versus risk, and dealing with multiple stakeholders and interested parties, including the media—to name just a few

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While some might envy the corporate tax vice presidents and senior counsel who occupy the corner office, there’s no denying they have a difficult job, one that is subject to increasing pressures due to changes in tax laws and to increasing media and public interest in tax issues. To get…

BEPS and Allocation of Taxing Rights

The allocation of taxing rights between jurisdictions is a major international tax issue. The current analysis of this issue has largely been set in motion by the OECD/G20 base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project and by programs that other international organizations have initiated. It’s important to consider whether jurisdictions… Read more »