Author: Emily Whittenburg and Kris Rogers

Changing of the Guard, Starting a New Chapter

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On a beautiful June day in Huntington Beach, California, back in 2014, our lives were changed forever, and the emerging tax professionals (ETP) subcommittee (though unnamed at the time) was officially born. What an incredible four years it has been. We could never have imagined how many outstanding people we… Read more »

John Mann

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John Mann has distinct childhood memories that foretold his current career in tax. One involved attending a meeting with his mother and the tax advisor who prepared her tax return. Another was having that same advisor prepare his own tax return for part-time work during high school. “It’s funny how… Read more »

Holds Spring Federal/International Conference and Scholarship Presentation
Pittsburgh Chapter

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TEI’s Pittsburgh Chapter hosted its annual federal/international all-day conference on April 18. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) sponsored and hosted the event, which is one of the Chapter’s two annual major all-day programs and complements a SALT program offered in the fall. Attendees enjoyed a sitdown luncheon, during which the Chapter awarded…

Holds Winter Seminar
New Jersey Chapter

Getting out ahead of the four nor’easters that hit the East Coast in March, TEI’s New Jersey Chapter held its daylong winter seminar on February 23 at Meadow Wood Manor in Randolph, New Jersey. The seminar, sponsored by Ernst & Young LLP (EY), started with a robust plenary session during…

What a Year. Where Did the Time Go?

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At the start of my presidential year, I had a few core objectives for the upcoming twelve months. I wanted to make a difference personally, positively impact our members, and, above all, contribute to the betterment of the tax community. Those objectives were reflected in my overall theme of “Getting… Read more »

2018–2019 Technical Committee and Task Force Chairs

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TEI’s technical committees and task forces have already begun their work for the 2018–2019 year, including session planning for the Annual Conference and working on advocacy initiatives. If you are interested in joining a committee or task force, contact the chair listed here.

TEI Roundtable No. 19: Diversity and Inclusion in the Tax Space
A panel offers compelling perspectives on this important issue

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There’s no doubt that diversity and inclusion are major topics of discussion in the tax industry. Although the industry has shown some significant progress, the work is far from complete. We convened a panel of tax practitioners and diversity and inclusion experts to discuss this issue, including Cassandra Calvert, senior…

Why Wayfair Won’t Matter
Supreme Court case raises ‘substantial nexus’ controversy in internet age, capturing attention of tax specialists—and the public

The state tax community is in familiar territory before the Supreme Court of the United States.1 We are in far less familiar territory, however, having captured the attention of nontax professionals, academics, the American public, and even the president of the United States.2 The eyes of the nation are fixed…