Author: Tax Executive Staff


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TEI gratefully acknowledges the support of the following firms that sponsored TEI’s Virtual Midyear Conference. Their financial support enables TEI to maintain a rich program of value-added education, networking, and advocacy activities for the in-house tax community. Exclusive Affinity Partner Thomson Reuters Platinum ADP Andersen Avalara CertCapture Inc. Baker McKenzie… Read more »

What’s in a Decade?

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KPMG regularly compiles data on corporate tax rates around the world and organizes that data for its customers and member firms. The company recently shared data from the past ten years highlighting corporate tax rates organized by country, continent, and demographic or political region (such as Latin America, the European… Read more »

Who Is Interested in My Request for Interest?
Procedural missteps can risk taxpayers’ pursuit of overpayment interest from the IRS

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The law is clear: “If a taxpayer overpays its taxes, the IRS owes the taxpayer interest on that amount.”1 This obligation certainly characterized the Internal Revenue Service’s 2020 fiscal year, in which the IRS paid more than $3 billion of overpayment interest to taxpayers.2 This figure is just the latest…

New York Chapter
Awards Scholarships

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In December, the president of TEI’s New York Chapter, Sheila Rao, was happy to award four scholarships to future tax professionals. We congratulate the following scholarship winners: Primrose Zvinavashe of the master’s program at Pace University, who also holds a JD from the university’s law school, was awarded the Jerry…

Tax Structures and Government Revenue Around the World

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Countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) vary greatly in how tax revenue is generated. For example, although all OECD countries levy a corporate income tax, it typically raises far less revenue than other tax sources. Using the 2019 OECD average of 9.6 percent as a benchmark… Read more »

The Global Tax Information Age
International exchange of info growing—but still room for development

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For years, governments around the world have called for changes to tax administration to prevent abusive tax avoidance and tax evasion. The need for change has been driven in part by the increasingly globalized economy, where cross-border activities and transactions are the norm rather than the exception. The Organisation for…

Let’s Make a Federal Case Out of It: Time to Revisit the Tax Injunction Act
There’s been no change in the TIA in more than 80 years—really

Most state taxpayers would prefer to litigate state and local tax cases in federal courts. However, disputes over state and local taxes are almost always decided by state courts. Although litigation in state court may seem natural and obvious to most state tax professionals, it is somewhat odd given the…

Linda Kim

Since Linda Kim was young, she knew she would go into accounting because of her father. She fought it for a while, thinking she might become a teacher. However, after working with her father one summer, she decided to follow his advice: If she pursued a career in accounting or… Read more »