Author: Tax Executive Staff

2019–2020 Membership Dues

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Without question, the benefits of your TEI membership and the return on investment you receive in terms of educational programming, advocacy, and networking are without equal in the tax marketplace. Educational programs presented at the chapter, regional, and Institute levels feature best-in-class instructors delivering technical and practical insights on timely… Read more »

Emerging Leader: Sonja Schiller

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Some corporate tax professionals seem destined to wind up doing something in tax law. For Sonja Schiller, that certainly seems to have been the case. “I’ve always loved economics, math, and writing,” she explains. “My tax law practice, which is heavily focused on transfer pricing and cross-border tax issues, fortunately… Read more »

Divided Government

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Welcome to 2019 and the uncertain political environment that awaits us in the 116th Congress. Is this what American democracy has come to? Could this be what our founding fathers really contemplated more than two centuries ago—all the coarse talk and uncivil behavior? Well, as I thought about our current… Read more »

Tax Avoidance vs. Tax Evasion
What every tax director needs to know about criminal tax fraud

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Reducing tax liability is a top priority for every corporate tax department. But that priority must be tempered by tax compliance obligations. Increasingly complex business relationships and transactions—often accompanied by increasingly complex tax planning—can leave even the most sophisticated tax practitioners wondering how the Internal Revenue Service will react to…

The Pros and Cons of Flexible Staffing
The Expert: Nancy Barrett

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Question: Is Flexible Staffing the Best Option for Your Firm? Answer: Tax directors often request my input into how to structure their departments around their most valuable and limited resource—people. My response is always nuanced, cautioning that the answer is highly dependent on a defined core mission and the intended…

An Open Letter to the IRS
Re: The next chapter of U.S. tax administration—observations and recommendations

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Dear Commissioner [Charles P.] Rettig and Chief Counsel nominee [Michael J.] Desmond: As you assume your new roles, we would respectfully like to convey our recommendations for the improvement of tax administration. These recommendations are based on our own experiences interacting with the agency, as well as detailed discussions with…

Wayfair: Practical Implications for the Business World
Now companies must go beyond tracking where salespersons and property go to make proper nexus determinations

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 21, 2018, decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, the business world has changed dramatically. In determining that, under certain conditions, a state could require a remote seller to collect and remit sales and use tax liabilities, the Court overturned its own…