Author: Tax Executive Staff

Canadian Liaison Meeting Responses

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Each year, a delegation of TEI members meets with representatives from the Canada Revenue Agency and the Canada Department of Finance. At these liaison meetings, Canadian officials respond to questions posed by TEI members on a wide range of important tax law, policy, and administration issues. The Canada Revenue Agency recently… Read more »

New Member Categories

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Since TEI’s founding in 1944, its core mission to support in-house tax professionals has remained constant. The community of tax professionals it serves has expanded geographically, demographically, and substantively. Over the last seventy-five years, TEI has regularly adapted to meet the needs of its members through innovating its educational curricula,… Read more »

Emerging Leader: Doug Rodolph

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You could say that Doug Rodolph’s interest in a tax career was a neither a slow burn nor a fast one—more of a medium burn. When he started college, Rodolph knew he wanted to go into accounting. After all, he always enjoyed math and thought it would be a great… Read more »

TEI’s 69th Midyear Conference: Maximizing Your Tax Smorgasbord!

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As I write this, TEI is on final approach to deliver its 69th Midyear Conference, themed “Navigating the TCJA Regulatory Framework: Questions and Quandaries.” To help you analyze more than 1,200 pages of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act-related regulations, as well as examine the state and local tax, tax management,… Read more »

Getting Your Refund—Once Your Tax Disputes Are Resolved: Navigating the Joint Committee Review Process
The Expert: Marjorie Margolies

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If you are like most taxpayers, you want to close out your old tax years as soon as possible, especially when you are owed a refund. In many cases—refund or not—there are a surprising number of Internal Revenue Service procedures and documentation requirements to navigate after resolving or settling the…

Administrative Guidance, Ethical Standards, and Tax Return Positions
In-house tax professionals must traverse a difficult course

Many corporations currently face tremendous high-value tax uncertainty as a result of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), not to mention other longstanding tax risks such as transfer pricing. For some tax executives, these risks constitute familiar waters. For other tax executives, however, navigating these risks is less…

Getting Involved After the TCJA

Welcome to the first installment of a new (periodic) column in Tax Executive, through which I aim to share select insights and observations of interest to TEI members regarding the post–tax reform advocacy environment in Washington, D.C. The historic tax reforms enacted in Public Law 115-97, colloquially known as the… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 22: Developing a TCJA Checklist
International issues, software selection, and involvement of tax technologists all play key roles in a complicated process

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The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is not “new” anymore. But compliance with an ever-evolving set of regulations and guidance is still on the front burner for corporate tax professionals—and is likely to stay there for quite a while. As with so many tax issues, the best way to ensure…