Author: Tax Executive Staff

Anthony O’Donnell

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Anthony (Tony) O’Donnell was a history major in college and, during his formal legal training, never set out to pursue tax. “I fell into it late in law school when I took the basic tax course and found that the key concepts of tax made sense to me and the… Read more »

The Role of Tax Technology

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In last year’s September/October issue of Tax Executive, we looked to Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE’s 2018 European Tax Technology Report to identify criteria that tax professionals consider when looking for technology solutions to support their roles within their organizations. In this issue, we go back to that report, but this time… Read more »

Data Transformation—Where to Begin?
What once took tax professionals months now takes moments—but challenges remain

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With the advent of digitization tools comes the potential to transform and index massive data sources without the current dependency on IT and coding. We are approaching as significant a cultural shift in the tax profession as Facebook and the iPhone were in our day-to-day lives. What comes is a…

MSCI Inc. and Longview Solutions Deal With a Prior Provider Unexpectedly Pulling a Product From the Market

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This is the fourth installment of our Tax Technology Corner. As a corporate tax professional, you know how important technology is and how it’s evolving at warp speed. With new regulatory and compliance initiatives in the federal, state, and international areas, landmark tax reform legislation, and globalization of tax monitoring… Read more »

10 Best Practices for Unclaimed Property Compliance
The Expert: Michelle Moloian

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Unclaimed property compliance reporting requirements may seem simple to some tax practitioners, but the lack of proper historical documentation can cause problems during an audit. Question: How can companies ensure they are in compliance with unclaimed property reporting requirements? Answer: On the surface, unclaimed property (UP) compliance reporting seems straightforward.…

True, Correct, and Complete: On-time Filing of State and Local Tax Returns Without Clear, Consistent, or Practical Guidance
In a GILTI world, taxpayers need to make their way without a compass

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While state and local tax is rife with uncertainty, the signature block of a state or local corporate income tax return is often deceptively simple and definitive. Typically, the signature certifies that the return is “true, correct, and complete.”1 From a practical standpoint, however, state and local corporate tax returns…

Holds Spring Meeting
Carolinas Chapter

The TEI Carolinas Chapter held its spring meeting at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on March 1. In addition to the educational program, Carolinas Chapter president Craig Puno presented the chapter’s Meritorious Service Award to Marcus Shore, director of federal tax at Duke Energy.