Author: Tax Executive Staff

On BEPS, Other International Issues

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Deloitte released its 2019 BEPS and the Global Tax Reset Survey, which garnered responses from 405 people in 35 countries, most of whom carry the title of tax director or tax vice president for their organizations. Although some of the results were to be expected, such as that sixty-two percent… Read more »

Shirley Chin

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After practicing as a corporate attorney at Davis Polk & Wardwell in New York, Shirley Chin returned to San Francisco and spent several years advising nonprofits. In addition to general board advisory and corporate governance work, the technical law that governs exempt organizations is tax law, she notes, with a… Read more »

Region VIII
Holds Annual Conference

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The TEI Region VIII Annual Conference was held on beautiful and very hot Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, at the oceanfront Westin Hilton Head Island Resort, June 26–30. The conference focused on the key issues facing tax professionals and departments today, including new Tax Act challenges, accounting changes, and technology…

Regions VI and VII
Hold Annual TEI/IRS Liaison Meeting

TEI Regions VI and VII held the annual TEI/IRS Liaison Meeting on May 16, 2019. ExxonMobil graciously hosted the event in Spring, Texas, at its state-of-the-art 385-acre campus. Nineteen IRS personnel and thirty-four TEI members attended the event. IRS panelists included Gloria Sullivan, IRS director, Western Compliance Practice Area; John…

Philadelphia and Harrisburg Chapters
Present Scholarships

A highlight of the TEI Philadelphia and Harrisburg Chapters’ year is awarding scholarships to outstanding students from local universities. The two chapters pool their resources to maximize scholarship awards. In the just-ended 2018–2019 year, they awarded seven $2,000 scholarships.A scholarship candidate must be a junior or senior accounting or business…

Enjoys an Afternoon of Baseball (and CPE Credits)
Baltimore-Washington Chapter

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The Baltimore-Washington Chapter recently held its annual Washington Nationals/CPE event at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. A morning of continuing professional education followed by an afternoon of baseball proved a winning combination. Tom Frazier, chapter president, and his team organized and coordinated the day’s activities. Frazier personally greeted each participant arriving…


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TEI gratefully acknowledges the support of the following firms that sponsored TEI’s Midyear Conference. Their financial support enables TEI to maintain a rich program of value-added education, networking, and advocacy activities for the in-house tax community. Platinum Thomson Reuters, TEI’s Exclusive Affinity Partner Andersen Tax Baker McKenzie LLP Bloomberg BNA… Read more »

TEI at 75: Recognizing the Individuals, Departments, and Tax Systems We Serve Around the World

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Happy seventy-fifth birthday, Tax Executives Institute! This milestone in the evolution of TEI belongs to everyone associated with the Institute, and I am greatly honored and humbled to serve as your international president during TEI’s seventy-fifth year. Seventy-five years ago (August 8, 1944, to be exact), under the leadership of… Read more »