Author: Justin Gilmartin, and Mike Sabbatis

Dealing With the Rapid Growth of a Taxpayer

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This is the fifth installment of our Tax Technology Corner. As a corporate tax professional, you know how important technology is and how it’s evolving at warp speed. With new regulatory and compliance initiatives in the federal, state, and international areas, landmark tax reform legislation, and globalization of tax monitoring… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 26: Diversity & Inclusion
It’s essential in the corporate tax space

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We’ve been conducting roundtables and conference sessions on diversity and inclusion for several years now—and for good reason. Simply put, the subject should be top of mind and a key agenda item for our members and their organizations. To check out what’s happening as we approach 2020, we convened a…

Claiming a Foreign Tax Credit—How Exhausted Do You Really Have to Be?
Missteps by taxpayers in this area can be costly and result in avoidable double taxation

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The Internal Revenue Service recognizes that “foreign government audits of U.S. taxpayers have become more frequent and, at times, more aggressive.”1 Consequently, the number of foreign tax contests and payments made by taxpayers to resolve those contests are on the rise. The IRS has signaled through its training materials and…

Deconstructing MAP and APA
Increased demand, new requirements to engage with IRS Examination, and efforts to come to terms with untested provisions of the TCJA have stretched APMA resources

In recent years, many taxpayers have effectively used mutual agreement procedure (MAP) cases and advance pricing agreements (APAs) to reduce or eliminate actual or potential double taxation due to inconsistent treatment of transactions with cross-border impact—most conspicuously for transfer pricing matters, but potentially for other issues as well. As the…

Understanding and Managing Privileges in Today’s Interconnected World
A complicated web of communications in a global world presents real-world challenges

Gone are the days when business and fashion trends developed regionally. Remember when certain clothing styles were unique to particular regions in the United States or to different countries? Or when certain foods were generally available only in certain parts of the world? Globalization has brought the world much closer…

A Survival Guide for In-House Accountants

In-house accountants are understandably anxious about being caught in the crosshairs of technological change. After all, better software and improved machine learning are automating many basic accounting functions, and stricter managerial scrutiny has put many in-house teams in the unenviable position of having to defend the accuracy, efficiency, and value… Read more »

When the IRS Says It’ll “Meet You in Paris”: Recent Trends & Developments in Outbound U.S. Exchange-of-Information Techniques
The FATCA rollout and other automatic EOI procedures mean that the IRS now has much more access to international tax information about U.S. taxpayers

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The Internal Revenue Service is looking for your international tax data—that is, if the IRS doesn’t already have it. With the rollout of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and other automatic exchange-of-information (EOI) procedures, the IRS is now receiving—and making use of—a large amount of international tax information…