Author: Tad Simons

It’s Simple: The Future Will Be More Complex (and That’s OK)

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Two fundamental assumptions will underlie most of what is written and discussed about tax management in the coming years. One is that the world inhabited by tax and accounting professionals is becoming more “complex.” The second is that tax professionals need to embrace new technologies to meet this growing complexity… Read more »

Dealing With Complicated Spreadsheets

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This is the sixth installment of our Tax Technology Corner. As a corporate tax professional, you know how important technology is and how it’s evolving at warp speed. With new regulatory and compliance initiatives in the federal, state, and international areas, landmark tax reform legislation, and globalization of tax monitoring… Read more »

Bonus Depreciation—A Case Study in TEI Advocacy

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Welcome to another installment of Advocacy Agenda, a periodic column that aims to share select insights and observations of interest to TEI members about the post-tax reform advocacy environment in Washington, D.C. The historic tax reforms enacted in Public Law 115-97, colloquially known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act… Read more »

Addressing Proposed Section 382 Regulations in Current M&A Transactions
These revisions will impact deal terms and valuation

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In September 2019, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Treasury Department issued proposed Section 382 regulations that, when finalized, would significantly reduce the value of net operating losses (NOLs) following Section 382 ownership changes, including those that occur in connection with mergers and acquisitions.1 In particular, the proposed regulations…

Digital Tax
The Experts: Kathrine Kimball, Sofie Stas, and Su Merck

Question: Why should a “non-digital-born” company be concerned about digital tax? It’s a valid question. Many taxpayers that operate in traditional, supply-chain-based business models rightfully tuned out of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD’s) earliest discussions of digital tax, thinking it was exclusively for “digital-born” taxpayers. However, the…

Seattle Chapter
Presents Chapter Award

TEI’s Seattle Chapter presented Sheri Dunn with the TEI Meritorious Chapter Service Award. Dunn retired from Weyerhaeuser Company in September 2016 and served as an officer of the Seattle Chapter board from 2007 to 2012. Dunn actively supported the annual process for the education program, using her knowledge of tax…

Intersection of National Security With M&A: The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
Why does the United States have laws that regulate M&A activity from a national security perspective, and why are those laws now getting more attention?

Once a sleepy, shadowy backwater of the federal government, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)—the U.S. government’s principal mechanism for screening foreign investment to assess and address its potential impact on U.S. national security—has hit the big time. In the last eighteen months, Congress passed sweeping…

Timothy Chuk

Timothy Chuk’s first major interest wasn’t tax—it was architecture. He first developed an interest in tax while working for an organization that developed a different type of architecture—IBM. “Achieving business objectives in today’s ever-evolving global landscape requires tax planning and foresight to strategically move the business forward,” Chuk explains. The… Read more »

A More Collaborative Tax Controversy Approach?
Strategies for Exam and Appeals

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Tax executives are familiar with the scenario: Internal Revenue Service examiners are in the building and are beginning to issue information document requests (IDRs) on routine and sensitive issues. One typical taxpayer response is to go on the defensive. This approach includes not voluntarily identifying issues and transactions; responding to…

Harrisburg Chapter
Holds 21st Annual Tax Conference

TEI’s Harrisburg Chapter recently hosted its annual full-day tax conference at the Hershey Country Club in Hershey, Pennsylvania. This event, a calendar highlight for both the chapter and Region 4, provides yearly networking and educational opportunities for central Pennsylvania corporate tax departments, attorneys, and CPAs. Speakers from CPA firms KPMG,…