Author: Tax Executive Staff

TEI Holds 2019 Liaison Meetings With Canada Revenue Agency and Department of Finance

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On December 10–11, members of the TEI Canadian Income Tax Committee and the Canadian Commodity Tax Committee assembled in Ottawa, Ontario, for TEI’s annual liaison meetings with representatives of the Canada Revenue Agency and the Department of Finance. This year’s meetings featured robust agendas covering a range of federal income… Read more »

Detroit Chapter

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TEI’s Detroit Chapter presented Kathy Castillo the Chapter Meritorious Service Award. Chris Tressler, Detroit Chapter representative, and Teri Hull, Region 5 vice president, presented the award to Castillo and spoke to attendees about her many contributions. Castillo has held key roles in the Detroit Chapter and at the Institute level.… Read more »

Emerging Leader: Kevin Reddick

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While studying for his B.B.A. in accounting, Kevin Reddick realized that he found tax inherently fascinating because it was similar to three-dimensional chess, which he describes as “a giant, messy, complex game that involves economics, finance, policy, and law, and its field of battle is often the court of public… Read more »

Scott Clark

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After Scott Clark was transferred early on in his career to start Provident Bank’s tax department, a recruiter contacted him about an opportunity to start the tax function at Cintas, which, at that time, was a company he knew virtually nothing about. “It was a similar opportunity as I had… Read more »


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TEI gratefully acknowledges the support of the following firms that sponsored TEI’s Annual Conference. Their financial support enables TEI to maintain a rich program of value-added education, networking, and advocacy activities for the in-house tax community. Platinum Thomson Reuters, TEI’s Exclusive Affinity PartnerAndersenBaker McKenzieBloomberg TaxCSC CorptaxDeloitte Tax LLPErnst & Young… Read more »

State Tax Overhaul

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The Tax Foundation outlined a number of important state tax changes in 2020 in thirty-five states, including updates to both individual and corporate taxation. Regarding the latter, some major changes were implemented January 1, such as increases or decreases in—or even elimination of—corporate rates. Other updates tend to be related… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 27: State Tax Issues, 2019–2020
In general, taxpayers want more guidance

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In the last few years, there’s been a discernable focus on federal tax issues in the wake of the passage of the most comprehensive tax reform package in three decades. But much of the action is taking place in state legislatures and state departments of taxation. We wanted to get…

Looking Ahead: Predictions on Upcoming State Tax Legislation
Key drivers are state economy and gubernatorial election cycle

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With the turn of the new year and a new decade, it is only natural to try to predict what state tax legislation may become law in 2020. Many factors can affect the nature and pace of state tax legislation, but perhaps the two leading drivers are the state economy…