Author: James Kennedy

Choosing the Path Forward

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I am honored to serve as TEI’s international president during its 75th Annual Conference year. The opportunity to help shape and guide the leading association of in-house tax professionals worldwide is one that provokes a great sense of gratitude and duty. I am humbled but delighted to take on the… Read more »

Automation and Analytics Through a Digitally Transformed (and Remote) Workforce
The Experts: Andy Ruggles and Allison LeClair

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Our current environment is magnifying pressures on tax functions to take action in a changing regulatory landscape characterized by marketplace uncertainty, demands for accelerated reporting, better risk management, and greater use of technology in day-to-day operations. There is no perfect time to take the first step toward implementing new automation…

Innovation for VAT
Tax technology is changing how VAT applies to new and more complex business models, how tax authorities administer these taxes, and how businesses comply

The saying “There’s a way to do it better . . . find it!” is attributed to inventor Thomas Edison, but it encapsulates perfectly the current global indirect tax management landscape. In the last decade, innovations in tax technology have significantly changed not only how value-added tax (VAT), also known…

There’s a Mistake on Your Tax Return—Should You Fix It?
Check out this proposed framework for overall compliance

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This article proposes a framework for deciding whether to fix a mistake found on a previously filed tax return. Rather than treating mistakes on previously filed tax returns as isolated events to be managed on an ad hoc basis—the usual and less effective approach—the proposed framework views the discovery of…

TEI Requests Administrative and Payment Relief for State and Local Taxes in Response to COVID-19 Crisis
On March 25, 2020, TEI sent state and local tax organizations and state tax revenue agencies a letter seeking administrative, filing, and payment relief for state and local taxes in response to the COVID-19 crisis. TEI’s letter was prepared under the aegis of TEI’s State and Local Tax Committee, whose chair is Michell Rodriguez. TEI Tax Counsel Pilar Mata coordinated the preparation of the brief and was its principal author.

We write to urge state tax agencies to provide administrative and payment relief for state and local taxpayers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In-house tax practitioners responsible for preparing federal, state, and local tax returns of business taxpayers have been required to telework and, in many cases, shelter in…

COVID-19 Disruption: Challenges for Life Sciences Companies (and Beyond)
Cash flow strategies are paramount, then come “postscript” considerations

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the business community. The life sciences industry has not been immune to its effects, since the pandemic has affected consumer demand for life sciences products in sometimes unpredictable ways and has wreaked havoc on supply chains. Although some life sciences companies…

Road Map to a Transfer Pricing Controversy
Preparing for success in audits and litigation in a strict enforcement environment

In recent decades, the Internal Revenue Service has pursued numerous long-running and complex transfer pricing audits. Although many have been resolved administratively, or prior to trial, the IRS has a decidedly uneven record in its litigation of high-profile transfer pricing disputes, not infrequently finding itself in the loss column in…

The Research & Experimentation Credit: New Issues on the Horizon
Are you current on the latest administrative, legislative, and legal developments?

The Internal Revenue Service’s Large Business and International Division (LB&I) has recently turned its focus back to the research tax credit by announcing new campaigns and directives. LB&I’s efforts aim to centralize review and assessment of issues, promote increased compliance, and provide consistency across the nation with respect to examinations.…

COVID-19 and the VAT Response

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to greatly impact the global economy, one area in which countries have attempted to ease the burden is value-added tax (VAT). Some countries have chosen simply to accelerate VAT refunds or offer payment extensions or deferment, but many have decided to reduce VAT rates significantly… Read more »