Author: Tax Executive Staff

Tax Technology Transformation in 2020

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“The tax function of tomorrow must master data intelligence.” That’s how EY identified an “intelligent tax function” in its 2020 Global Tax Technology and Transformation Survey report. To keep pace with today’s ever-evolving demands, it’s essential for tax departments everywhere to bridge the gap between data and technology, and this… Read more »

Clearing Skies: Demystifying the Transition to the Cloud for Tax
Make sure you really do have your head in the cloud

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In recent years, cloud(s) have been gathering on the horizon for many organizations, both global, multinational organizations and smaller, agile organizations. These clouds represent sweeping changes for most organizations that may bring major disruptions and may require corporate tax executives to make career decisions. This article provides tax executives and…

Larry Pociask

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Tax is sometimes viewed as an amalgam of social, political, and economic influences. And it was precisely that combination that galvanized Larry Pociask’s interest in tax as a profession: “My interest in tax started with a great professor at Michigan State, Ed Outslay, who found a way to weave politics,… Read more »

Teaching Tax Professionals to ‘Speak IT’
Practical steps for upgrading tax technology

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Tax professionals are largely aware of the technologies available to supplement their departments’ operations—technologies designed to directly support tax functions, such as tax engines, return preparation programs, and certificate management applications as well as general-purpose technologies that can be leveraged for tax, like data enrichment platforms, robotic process automation (RPA),…

Emerging Leader: Karin Li

Is there a connection between tax and math? To Karin Li, there certainly is. During her MBA studies, her professor assigned her a research project related to estate tax law, leading Li to make a discovery that would impact her professional life. “I found tax to be incredibly complex and… Read more »

September/October 2020

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TEI gratefully acknowledges the support of the following firms that would have sponsored TEI’s Midyear Conference. Their financial support enables TEI to maintain a rich program of value-added education, networking, and advocacy activities for the in-house tax community. Exclusive Affinity Partner Thomson Reuters Platinum ADP Andersen Baker McKenzie Bloomberg Tax…

Choosing the Path Forward

I am honored to serve as TEI’s international president during its 75th Annual Conference year. The opportunity to help shape and guide the leading association of in-house tax professionals worldwide is one that provokes a great sense of gratitude and duty. I am humbled but delighted to take on the… Read more »