Author: Tax Executive Staff

Appointment of the 2023–2024 Executive Committee

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Each year, TEI’s incoming international president selects an Executive Committee from the members of TEI’s board of directors to join the Institute’sfour officers in their oversight of the Institute’s business affairs. We are excited to announce the following appointments for the 2023–2024 fiscal year.    

Kristina Capretta
Toronto Chapter

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Kristina Capretta, senior tax manager at PepsiCo Canada and the 2022–2023 president of TEI’s Toronto Chapter, has always had an interest in accounting and business, despite her original plan to become a teacher. In her first year of university, she found out quickly that she wanted to go down the business…

The Rise of AI

It seems that almost everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) these days—and for good reason. Ray Grove, head of product for Thomson Reuters, who leads its transactional compliance space, has an interesting perspective on this issue, so senior editor Michael Levin-Epstein sat down with him recently to find out… Read more »

TEI Comments on Proposed and Temporary Regulations on Elective Payments for Certain Credits

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On August 14, TEI responded to a request for comments on proposed and temporary regulations under Section 6417 regarding elective payments for certain credits. TEI’s comments included concerns over burdensome prefiling registration requirements and over limitations on the taxpayers able to make elective payment elections, namely partners in partnerships and… Read more »

Appointment of the 2023–2024 Nominating Committee

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TEI’s board of directors appointed the Institute’s 2023–2024 Nominating Committee, whose role is to nominate the three senior officers (senior vice president, treasurer, and secretary) and eleven regional vice presidents for 2024–2025. (The senior vice president becomes the international president by operation of TEI’s by-laws.) The 2023–2024 TEI Nominating Committee… Read more »

Tax Data Takes Center Stage

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As TEI members know all too well, when it comes to tax data, we may be at a tipping point. To find out more about where we’re really at when it comes to tax data, Michael Levin-Epstein, senior editor of Tax Executive, interviewed one of the most knowledgeable tax professionals… Read more »

Engagement in the Age of Transparency and Technology

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As TEI’s new international president, I’m honored to serve as a leader of an organization that I have been associated with and have appreciated being a part of for many years. I want to thank TEI for this incredible opportunity, and I want to thank the staff and our fantastic… Read more »

TEI Canadian Commodity Tax Comments and Liaison Meeting With British Columbia Ministry of Finance

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In preparation for a liaison meeting between members of the TEI Canadian Commodity Tax Committee and the British Columbia (BC) Ministry of Finance on June 27, TEI submitted comments on several issues relevant to that province. The comments included a request to treat partnerships as persons for purposes of the… Read more »

TEI Comments Again on Proposed Australian Public CbC Reporting

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On July 21, TEI submitted a second set of comments to the Australian Senate Standing Committees on Economics regarding a proposal to require public disclosure of certain country-by-country (CbC) reporting information. The Institute’s comments expressed concern about the extraterritorial scope of the proposal, the inconsistency of the required disclosure with… Read more »

TEI Comments on Aspects of OECD Pillar Two

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On August 14, TEI submitted comments to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) regarding certain aspects of the OECD’s Pillar Two initiative. TEI’s comments were provided as a follow-up to the Institute’s June 6 meeting with representatives from the OECD. The Institute’s comments focused on issues arising from… Read more »