Author: Tax Executive Staff

TEI Annual Conference Goes Big in the Lone Star State

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TEI’s 79th Annual Conference, held at the JW Marriott in San Antonio, Texas, in late October, brought together more than 350 in-house tax professionals, 150 speakers, and thirty-five exhibiting sponsors for an immersive experience designed to address the most pressing issues in today’s rapidly evolving tax landscape. As in previous… Read more »

KPMG on Tax ‘Reimagined’

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Disruption has been the name of the corporate tax game of late. The upcoming 2025 tax cliff, ongoing implementation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s global tax plans, and ceaseless regulatory change—the “tax trifecta,” as KMPG calls it in its recent report, Tax Reimagined 2024: Perspective From the… Read more »

Reflecting—and Facing Forward

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As we reach the end of the calendar year, I’m filled with gratitude and optimism. We have just wrapped up our incredible 79th Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas—what an incredible way to celebrate how far we’ve come as a community and how much TEI continues to grow. I know… Read more »

Inequitable Barriers to Equitable Apportionment
When petitioning for equitable apportionment, taxpayers face motley state-imposed obstacles

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Every state that imposes a corporate income tax requires multistate businesses to apportion business income. The states’ methods of apportioning income, however, vary considerably and can produce inconsistent results. The United States Supreme Court sanctioned these differences in Moorman Mfg. Co. v. Bair1 when the Court allowed Iowa to deviate…

Thank You and Congratulations to TEI’s Committee Chairs

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TEI could not accomplish its work without its technical and advisory committees. These committees develop TEI’s positions on tax matters, plan the Institute’s education programs, and interact with tax officials at every level. We would like to thank our 2023–2024 committee chairs for the work they have done for the… Read more »

TEI Submits Comments on GloBE Information Return XML Schema

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On August 19, TEI submitted comments regarding the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Draft User Guide for the Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Information Return XML Schema. TEI’s comments emphasized the need for information return exchange agreements, a uniform XML schema and filing portal, and a secondary filing mechanism, among… Read more »

Appointment of the 2024–2025 Executive Committee 

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Each year, the incoming international president selects an Executive Committee from the members of TEI’s board of directors to join the Institute’s four officers in their oversight of the Institute’s business affairs. We are excited to announce the following appointments for the 2024–2025 fiscal year:

Who Is the Customer?
The ins and outs of market-based sourcing

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Compared to the complexity of cost-of-performance (COP) sourcing of services for income tax purposes, a market-based approach to apportionment sounds downright simple. Instead of comparing the location of all payroll and material costs of generating revenue as in a COP calculation, for market-based sourcing one looks only to the location…