Author: Tax Executive Staff

TEI Submits Comments on CAMT Proposed Regulations

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On January 16, TEI submitted comments on the proposed regulations on the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT). TEI’s comments addressed foreign tax credit considerations and provided recommendations for modifications to adjusted financial statement income related to the treatment of investments in certain financial instruments and the treatment of certain covered… Read more »

An Overview of the EU Public Country-by-Country Reporting Rules
A comprehensive breakdown, with guidance for preparation

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The European Union (EU) has long been at the forefront of furthering corporate transparency and accountability. A significant step in this direction was the introduction of nonpublic country-by-country reporting (CbCR) rules in the EU for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2016.1 The nonpublic CbCR rules require multinational…

TEI World Tour
International President Josephine Scalia’s travels have been underscored by global engagement and inspiration

TEI International President Josephine Scalia is no stranger to worldwide travel, but this go-around, she got firsthand experiences with the Institute’s global community—in droves. Since August, Scalia traveled from her native Canada, throughout the United States, to the Middle East, and across Asia, with her journey ending in December. “In…

TEI Roundtable No. 50: Compliance, Preparedness, and Risk After Loper Bright
How are tax departments evolving in its wake?

Following the Loper Bright decision, which effectively reduced the power of federal agencies to interpret ambiguous laws, tax departments are faced with potentially reevaluating compliance, litigation preparedness, and risk management strategies, among other issues. Recently, TEI convened a cadre of experts at its Audits & Appeals Seminar to speak on…

An Immersive Experience on a Global Scale

Since my last letter, I have had the privilege of representing TEI across North America, the Middle East, and Asia—starting with our dynamic, Western-themed annual conference in Texas and then traveling to the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, and Japan. These visits provided firsthand insights into the evolving… Read more »

British Columbia Minister of Finance Responds to TEI’s Submission on the Definition of Software for the PST

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TEI received a letter from the British Columbia minister of finance in response to the Canadian Commodity Tax Committee’s March 29, 2024, submission. The committee had submitted a letter addressing the 2024 British Columbia budget changes to the provincial sales tax’s (PST’s) definition of “software,” including the retroactive impact of… Read more »

DCLs, DPLs, SREs Under Section 174, and More

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TEI’s advocacy is one of the prime benefits of membership. By participating in the Institute’s advocacy efforts, you can help make the corporate tax system—in the United States and around the world—more efficient and less burdensome. Below are a few examples of TEI’s advocacy over the past several months. At… Read more »


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TEI gratefully acknowledges the support of its sponsors. Their financial support enables TEI to maintain a rich program of value-added education, networking, and advocacy activities for the in-house tax community. Exclusive Affinity Partner Thomson Reuters Platinum Andersen Birch Risk Advisors Bloomberg Tax & Accounting CAC Specialty Crowe LLP CSC Corptax… Read more »

TEI Holds TechTAXcelerate 2024 Webinar Series

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From December 16 to 19, TEI hosted its second annual TechTAXcelerate webinar series, an innovative event dedicated to exploring the transformative role of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in modern tax practices. Over four days, attendees participated in eight ninety-minute sessions led by industry experts, in-house technology pioneers, and leading… Read more »

TEI Submits Comments on Simplifying Pillar Two Reporting

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On December 17, TEI submitted comments to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recommending that it simplify the Pillar Two reporting requirements. TEI recommended that the OECD help coordinate the timing of payments, adjustments, and refunds across jurisdictions, which would reduce multinational enterprises’ compliance burdens. Other recommendations included… Read more »