Author: Michael Levin-Epstein

Latin America: Many Trading Partners, Diverse Tax Implications
Newest TEI Chapter Has Big Plans for 2015

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In 2015, the vast majority of U.S. international companies have many markets to choose from, including China, India, Japan, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Canada. Increasingly, however, global firms are looking to market their products, invest in economies, engage in trade, or simply do business with countries in Latin America.…

Determining Taxability in the Ever-Evolving World of e-Commerce

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In a world of rapidly evolving technology, e-commerce transactions have become the norm. While the term e-commerce initially referred to Internet-based sales of physical items, recent years have given rise to a new breed of purely electronic transactions including cloud computing, digital downloads, streaming entertainment, and information services, which have further… Read more »

TEI Roundtable No. 3:
The Changing Role of the Chief Tax Officer

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The dizzying speed of technology, as software enables you to do your job not only quicker but more effectively. The expanding expectations of millennials, with their stated desire to better balance work and family. The burgeoning maze of regulations, with increasing government oversight. The globalization of the economy, as evidenced…

Revenue Recognition Standard Takes Center Stage

The Financial Accounting Standard Board’s (FASB) long-anticipated new standard on revenue recognition is clearly one of the most important developments in US GAAP accounting in the last several years. John Hepp, partner in Grant Thornton’s National Professional Standards Group, calls the new revenue standard, issued in May 2014, “the most…

Thank You For a Successful 65th Midyear Conference!

More than 450 attendees gathered at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C., from March 22–25 for TEI’s 65th Midyear Conference. Members and nonmembers alike had access to more than thirty educational sessions covering a wide range of topics, including “Effectively Managing Flexible Work Arrangements: Measures for Success,” “Building and Maintaining… Read more »

Intercompany Transactions: Current State Tax Developments
Nexus and documentation are key issues in understanding the current intercompany transaction legal landscape

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map of North America

Intercompany transactions can be used to shift income from entities with a physical nexus in many states to a related member with a limited nexus in favorable taxing jurisdictions. In moving to combat the benefits received from such intercompany transactions, states tend to employ one or more of the following…